Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to get rid of pimples and itching skin?

At the cost of diverting from my main subject I want to add few lines about the health of skin as the women are very conscious about their skin and rightly so, as for the opposite sex nothing is more lovely and attractive than a glowing and healthy skin. However, all too often skin is marred by ugly scars and chronics eruptions, many of which need never have occurred had the skin received proper care.

Skin is not only a beautiful cover given by the nature to the human body, rather it is much more than that. It is your first line of defence against the germs. Enzymes on the surface of the skin destroy germs, provided the skin is healthy and intact. But small breaks and tears in the surface of the skin may open the way to infection within the skin, and in the deeper tissues as well.

Itching skin:-

A certain amount of gentle itching is normal but it does become serious when it is persistent and troublesome. Many conditions contribute to itching. These include insect bites, hives, contact dermatitis, food allergies, heat rash, diabetes, uremia, pregnancy, life change, certain nervous conditions and jaundice. Some people are allergic to nylon, others to wool, and still others to dyes and various surface dressings in the cloth. So avoid wearing such clothes, which cause allergy to your skin.

Don’t scratch the itching part of your skin as it may provide you relief for the time being but persistent scratching may produce swellings in the skin with deep scratch marks and small ulcers into which germs may found their way in. The first step you should take is to stop all medications, at least for the time being.


If the itching has spread over large areas of body, try oatmeal bath. It is very easy to give yourself an oatmeal bath. Mix one cup of oatmeal with two cups of cold water and pour this into a tub of water. Lie in this for twenty minutes twice a day. When drying yourself, be careful not to increase the irritation. Gently pat the skin and then apply some soothing medication.

Alternatively, one should first wash the body thoroughly, using hot water and antiseptic soap. Then make an ointment by mixing well three parts of sulphur in seven parts of Vaseline or coconut oil. The suphur and oil/Vaseline must be well mixed. Mix on a piece of glass by rubbing the sulphur into the oil with a long, thin-bladed knife. Every night and morning, for three days, rub this into all the itching places. Do not change the clothing or bedding during these three days. After three days take a hot water and soap bath and wear clean costume and replace clean bedding. The soiled clothing and bed sheets must be boiled for several minutes before they are used again. This is necessary in order to destroy the itch insects that cause the disease.

Another part of treatment is to learn, if possible, what the offending article is and eliminating it from the diet or environment. By leaving off one article after another of diet, or of contact, for a period of time, it is possible to determine whether there is something identifiable causing the trouble.


· Causes:-

1. Pimples are very common in young people. Most common cause of pimples is certain changes within the body. As the age progresses, the teens come to their age and certain changes in their body take place. In this clumsy age, usually pimples persists for a year or more until the hormone system of the body has become fully adjusted.

2. Pimples are not caused by diet, but certain foods like chocolate, nuts, cola drinks, ice cream meats containing excessive fats and excessive amount of sugar aggravate this condition.

3. Girls may develop one or two pimples just before menstruation. These only last a day or two and are of no consequence. But when pimples continues over months and years, it is very distressing, especially for a young female.

4. Nervous tension may also play a part in continuing pimples.

· Treatment:-

1. Keep the skin clean by thoroughly washing your face five times a day. Some antiseptic soap will help to eliminate pimples. Use soaps with caution if the skin is swollen.

2. Avoid squeezing and pinching of the skin as it may intensify the inflammation and prolong healing, and may also cause scarring of the face.

3. For mild infections of the face, apply white lotion once or twice daily, gently rubbing the solution into the skin.

4. Pimples are always worse in winter. Exposure to sunlight has proved beneficial, but this should not be overdone. Moderate doses of sunshine are best.

5. Avoid all rich foods, excessive amounts of sugar, and particularly chocolate and nuts. Choose and plain, well balanced diet containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

6. A daily bath followed by vigorous rubbing with a rough towel is a valuable part of the treatment.

7. A cup of hot water should be taken the first thing in the morning upon rising from bed.

8. The bowels must move daily as constipation is the mother of all diseases.

9. The pimples may be opened with needle. If pus has formed under the skin, be careful not to open the pimple until it is read to drain.

10. Several glassfuls of water should be drunk during the day.

11. Use of fruit juices, particularly limejuice would hasten the cure but avoid highly sweetened drinks.

12. Extra vitamin A tablets should be added to the diet.

13. Sleep at least eight hours every night.

14. To maintain a beautiful and healthy skin it is imperative to avoid nervous strain.

15. Follow the principles of good living as far as possible.